Contact us at 407-900-8006

What is a telecom broker?

Ensuring your telecommunications infrastructure and services, whether it be your fixed lines, VoIP, Internet, Inter office Data or mobile fleet are working optimally is crucial for the ongoing operation of any business regardless of its size, number of staff or industry.

Equally as important is only spending what you need in those areas. Why would you unnecessarily pay more for services, as that money can be invested in improving your business. However, a lack of market awareness or time to do proper research can result in your business getting a raw deal from your incumbent telecom provider.

Engaging a broker to review your telecommunications needs provides you with access to a subject matter expert that is up to date on not only the latest technology trends, but also which providers are the most competitive and which ones can provide the best service and support, as these can change from year to year based on market forces and acquisitions.

An initial engagement with a Telecommunication Broker or consultant is generally complimentary, you can then work out if you are a right fit and if the brokerage understands your requirements and the outcomes you are trying to achieve. Once the options are presented you are under no obligation to sign and are free to make your own decision. We receive a commission from the telecom company, meaning that we do not charge for this service.